Monday, August 06, 2007

Mexico City, here we come!

This Thursday Luke, Reuben, and I are leaving for Houston where we will meet up with our Uncle Nathan and his church for an 8-day missions trip to Mexico City. We are so excited!! And a bit apprehensive. :) This will be our first trip outside of the country and I keep getting this mental picture of the three of us turning into giant germs as soon as we step foot into Mexico. I've never been accused of being a "clean freak" but I might be on this trip. I don't want any extra passengers with us on the way back. : )

As far as we understand, we are going to be helping a church build a retaining wall as well as some evangelism around the area. There are 11 of us going on the trip and will be staying in a hotel on the outskirts of the city. My uncle asked for us to be praying against spiritual warfare. Uncle Nathan went on this trip last year and said that he felt a lot of darkness and oppression during the trip and that we will need to be actively praying during the trip. We would appreciate any prayers from you all as well!

That's all I have for now. Thanks to anyone that is reading this!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Oh, the summer days!

Daniel and Elizabeth

Elizabeth and her sister, Rebecca Kohler

I love this guy! What a great big brother!

"Wok seared lamb" at P.F. Changs...yum!

Our toad friend at the farm

the new addition...Daisy...also from the farm

Grandma's daylilies

the garden

Grandad's grapes

Luke and Mom eatin' supper

some cool almonds...


making faces


summer sunset

James and buddy JD

hike in Abram's falls

Luke and Lydia
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side! Keep on the sunny side of life...... I can't help but remember the words of this bluegrass-bumpkin song when I see Luke playing his banjo. It's also really fun to sing this song when the family is having a bad day, tends to "liven" things up a bit! : )
The Duncan family has been having a great summer thus far. I have been working for my dad some, working around the house, going to the farm, running...running...running...playing with the kids, and going to the mountains. I've had a unique summer to say the least in the sense that I've never had so much time at home. I wish I could say that I am loving everything I'm learning at home in the everyday interactions, but I must confess that there are some hard moments. My dad is reading a book to our family and on the back it says: "Where two or three are gathered together...there's a conflict waiting to happen." We all had to laugh at this! 'Tis so true... Though it doesn't seem fun at the time, I know the conflict we experience within our family is for our good as we seek to humble ourselves before each other and the Lord. It's a great opportunity to grow closer to each other and to depend on God in a different way in this season of life.
Well, I need to scoot. Hope everyone is doing well!

PS- Here are two verses that God has been using in my life this summer:
It will be said on that day, "Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, that He might save us. This is the Lord; we have waited on Him; let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation." Isaiah 25: 9
The steps of man are established by the Lord, when he delights in His way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Random Road Trip to Asheville

Hello friends! A couple of weeks ago I hopped in the car with some pals from CCK and headed to Asheville, NC for the afternoon. Though I had been past Asheville several times, I had never had the opportunity to gawk at the sights of downtown. I don't think I've ever seen so many hippies in one place--or dread locks! We walked through shops and in one of them Dennis modeled a scarf for us....with a little prompting from Meagan and I. : ) Surprisingly, hippie clothes can be exspensive, but they resemble clothes anyone could find in a thrift I wonder why anyone would bother buying the expensive clothes??? Don't hippies rummage around for clothes anyway? So...does that make me a hippie?
During our adventure we encountered a gathering of hippies that were beating on jimbays. There didn't seem to be much of purpose other than to make some noise and dance around to the music. One guy walked toward the crowd of gathering onlookers and yelled "dance!" It was easy for me to have self-righteous thoughts as I watched this strange assembly, but was reminded that my salvation was only because of grace and that God could of let me stay in my hell-bound state! All in all, it was an eye-opening experience!!! I reckon this country girl ain't seen much of the likes of hippies in Grainger County. : )

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ft. Walton Beach

Hello friends! Life in the Duncan household has been bustly-busy this week in preparation for Luke's graduation. Today we get to celebrate the years of hard work Luke has diligently completed! I am encouraged to see how much Luke has grown these last four years as God has worked in his life--it is exciting to see what plans God has in store for Luke. He is a very special brother....

We have also been trying to restore the order of the house after escaping a week to the beach in Florida. It was our first family vacation since the older brothers got married, so it was quite a different experience, but a blast nonetheless. We had a wonderful time strengthening our friendships, talking hours on end, walking the beaches collecting shells, and playing... playing.... playing in the water. As you can see from the pictures, the beach was beautiful! It was so obvious that God orchestrated the entire vacation and we are so thankful for all of the people in my dad's business that made it possible for us to make this trip. It is nice to know that it is good and beneficial for families to make time to be together to bond hearts....I know my dad tends to work a lot, so it was neat to see him trust God with his business and make our family time one of the highest priorities! An evidence of grace.....

Enjoy these pictures and I shall be signing in soon with something to say about Asheville, NC.....maybe there will be a few pictures too! : )

Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring Break Pictures