Saturday, April 22, 2006

School is Winding Down

In about 11 days I will be completely done with school for the summer. I have a test or a paper, and in some classes both, this week. My two biggest tests are on Monday in Calculus and Chemistry. I have been studying most of the weekend. On Friday I wasted part of the day sleeping in (until 2:30 in the afternoon, a first for me!). I had been up all night on Wednesday writing a rough draft for English. I went ahead and stayed up the rest of the day and even went to VFC that night...although I don't remember much unfortunately. Hopefully I won't have to do that any more this semester.

The Lord has been so good to me! If I have learned anything this semester, it has been about His faithfulness, despite the lack of mine. As it has turned out, the week that I went to Vision Quest on Spring Break and skipped a whole week of my classes turned out to be great. I got A's on just about all of the stuff that I had to turn in! Thank you Lord! I was so worried and just kept telling the Lord that there was no way that I would be able to get all of the work done that I had missed (as if I could do it in my own power anyway..ha!) I really didn't stress out that much after the Lord gave me peace...the good grades are just confirmation to me that He wanted me to go on that trip. That experience is still impacting my spiritual life.

Today I got disappointed because the '00 Mustang I had my eye on got sold before my dad could look at it. To me, it was PERFECT. Cherry red, rumbling mufflers, tinted windows, leather seats, five-speed...very good price. Obviously the Lord has something different in mind, but I was hoping that He and I were sharing the same thoughts about this cute little "cherry bomb." It has been so hard for me to be patient about getting a car. Might as well get used to it though, it seems to be the story of my life right now. : )

Luke is doing really well in school. A while back he won an accounting competition for his district. He is also running track. He came in second in his very first heat and first in his most recent one. Luke is such a gifted athlete, he is hoping to get to play football his senior year at Fulton. This track fling is just to get him/keep him in shape for football. Besides his success at school, he is such a blessing to our family as he has been serving us with his humble heart very well. God has worked in Luke's heart in so many ways and I really look up to him as a younger brother. He is very patient, kind, and gentle, a very good leader, and a guy that is seeking the Lord. I know that God is going to continue His great work in Luke.

I need to get back to my studying. It is always a nice break to post and to read other people's posts. Hopefully during the summer I will be able to be more faithful about it. Over and out!


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