Thursday, April 27, 2006

Last Day of Class

Oh, happy day! I am done with classes! Now, only finals loom ahead. Today was wonderful in many ways...the thought of being completely done with school in as little time as a week was definitely a plus, and I found out that a couple of the grades in two of my classes were better than I thought. God is so good. I've just been asking Him to give me a desire to do this school work! Even better, in light of eternity, because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we can be forever declared righteous before God!! A lot of times this semester when I haven't wanted to do all of the work especially without a specific major in mind, God has graciously shown me His faithfulness and that this isn't about me and my plans, but about His glory. Kinda puts a different perspective on things.

I walked into the house today and all of the kids were busy cleaning and making cookies. Ten minutes later, our house was full of chattering, about 4 of John Mark's friends came down the street to stay at our house for the afternoon. They were all so funny to listen to.

John Mark insists that he is becoming a "big boy." I can't argue, he is almost as tall as me! Reuben measured his height today and he is up to 6' 1.5." He is a hunk! Oh, Reuben and I like to practice swing dancing before we go off to our rooms at night (we live across the hallway from each other in the attic). He is so fun! I don't think I will ever be able to move out of my house, my brothers are way too fun. Reuben helps me wake up in the morning by yelling across the hall, "Sarah, get up! And don't go back to sleep!" This is so sweet since I have been struggling with getting up after studying late.

Caleb and Andrea got their wedding proofs back last Sunday from the photographer! I will have to post some photos as soon as I get the disc. They turned out really good! I think Caleb and Andrea are very pleased.

Well, I am going to run to VFC. This is our last night of the summer, but this Saturday we are going to have a big end of the year party at Cornerstone. Should be really fun. Later.


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