Howdy everyone! I see that it has been a while since my last post. I will try to update you on what I have been doing lately:
I think I've adjusted to my school routine, 5 days a week at PSTCC. I have a lot of writing classes which is a challenge. I love my journalism class, especially now that we are putting some of the book use to practical work. I've written one feature story which I hope will show up on the school blog soon. It was so fun! I really enjoyed the interviewing process.
Daniel and Elizabeth just celebrated their first wedding anniversary October 8th! It is hard to believe that it was a whole year ago that the first Duncan boy tied the knot. They are doing well and are SO happy together. I can't wait to be an aunt, though it will probably be a while before any news. : )
Last Tuesday my dad bought a car for me to drive! Some of you know that I've been driving my mom's 15-passenger van to school for the past 1.25 years. My mom was very nice to part with her car for so long in order for me to go to school and all the other things I've been involved in, even though it kept her from doing the things she wanted to do with the kids in the way of field trips! God provided money for the car from my very kind grandparents. We would not have been able to get this car without their generous giving, God is so good! The car is really nice, it's a 2000 Buick Lasabre. Not a mustang, but a very comfortable and good car none the less. It only has 23,000 miles on it and was kept in the garage most of the time. I am so thankful to have it, I've already driven it to NC and it was a very comfortable ride. When I was driving to school last week it started pouring rain and my first thought was, "Oh no! My car is getting wet!" Ha!
Yesterday I got back from Anthem, VFC's fall break trip. It was awesome! I've been anticipating this trip since school started. The speakers were Bill Kittrell, the pastor of Cornerstone Church of Knoxville, Craig Cooper, Bruce Landis, care group leaders at CCK and former VFC leaders, and Mike Plewniak, the current VFC leader. I have really been enjoying going back over my notes, something that isn't typical of me! Some of the topics they covered were the holiness of God, God's wrath revealed, and taking the message of the Gospel out into the world in which we live. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that God is so holy that He cannot leave sin unpunished. We that are Christians are covered in Jesus' righteousness and are no longer under the wrath of God, but those who do not claim Jesus as their Lord are still objects of His wrath. I am so thankful to God for giving me the grace to believe in Him! I am also very thankful for VFC's diligence to speak the truth of the Gospel. Their challenge to us was to take this treasure within us back to our campuses, something that is really hard for me to do since I have experienced a lot of resistance in the past. I've been more afraid of what people think of me than what God thinks of me, and who has the power to determine where I go for eternity? Not the people on campus, that's for sure! Witnessing is something I am asking God to give me boldness in, and I have experienced His grace and power this week as I talked with my atheist friend. So, any of you that read this, if you'll just pray for me as I seek to be faithful to God and only fear Him as I go to school every day. He is worthy of all of our trust and praise!
Ok, better run to Econ. Until later folks! By the way, I think there are pictures from Anthem on the VFC website for those that are interested.
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