Saturday, May 27, 2006

Trip to KY this weekend

This weekend I am going to Louisville, Kentucky with my dad, brother Luke, best friend Deanna, and cousin Mike for the New Attitude conference put on by C. J. Mahaney and others. It seemed that this weekend was some far off event that has suddenly crept up on me. I am really looking forward to the speakers...I know that God is going to speak to me and anticipate how He will use this conference in my life.

We leave sometime tomorrow afternoon, we will be missing the first session because Deanna needs to graduate from highschool first! Woohoo! We will have a good time celebrating this special time in her life and know we can always get the first session on CD and get "filled in" by our roomates...which I really need to call...hmm. Anyway.

I am going to bed right now so that I can get up and finish my laundry so that I have clothes to wear this weekend! Night.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Gabby said...

So how'd it go, neighbor? :)

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hey Gabbs! Golly, I am the worst neighbor ever...we really need to get together and go running! The trip went very well...wish you could of come!!! How are the wedding plans coming?

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Gabby said...

They're going. I'm trying to find someone to make a bouquet, but the cake lady finally called me back, so we have a cake! I've also printed and cut 155 invitations in the last two days with just hole punching, ribbon threading, and hot glueing to do on all of those invites this weekend. I start summer school Monday, so I need to get everything done that I can before I get too busy.


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